Boef (4+)
vr 1 nov13:30 - 14:15Theater aan het SpuiZaal 2
vr 1 nov-za 2 novVanaf 15:30Theater aan het SpuiZaal 2
In English
Because who is the real bandit? And what is the best sneaking technique? How can you help the police most effectively? And what’s inside that mysterious black box? You’ll find out in Boef!
This performance can be seen during the Festival De Betovering in the autumn break! From Friday, October 25 to Saturday, November 2, you can enjoy the best family shows. Are you curious about what’s on offer?
Part of
→ Family- and Youth Theatre Performances
spel Lisa Groothof, Dwayne Toemere, Yannick Greweldinger | regie Sanne Nouws | muziek Toonbank: Maarten Bokslag & Tom Nestelaar | vormgeving Dwayne Toemere en Lisa Groothof | kostuums Dorine van IJsseldijk