My home at the intersection
di 25 mrt20:30 - 21:30Zaal 3De Constant Rebecqueplein 20A
vrije plaatskeuze Normaal € 16,50 Jongeren t/m 30 jaar € 12,50 -
wo 26 mrt20:30Zaal 3De Constant Rebecqueplein 20A
vrije plaatskeuze Normaal € 16,50 Jongeren t/m 30 jaar € 12,50
In de media
''Gebruikmakend van film, maquettes en smaken trekt Thapar zijn publiek moeiteloos mee in een andere wereld.''
"De manier waarop Thapar vanuit het perspectief van zijn jeugd de geschiedenis van vervolgingen politieke strijd heropneemt, geeft een ongenadig precieze indruk van de menselijke kant." Theaterkrant
In English
Abhishek Thapar, born in Moga, Punjab in the 1980s, went on a search for the truth(s) of the past together with his mother, father and sister, he re-visited his childhood home: a house that had disappeared, a place they all thought they had forgotten and which yet persisted, preserved in a jar of haunting images, between the conflicting priorities of official histories and the personal memories of three generations. In a final pursuit of closure, the family returned to the house in Moga – and moved back in. Together they created a work of art...
My home at the Intersection complicates reductive perceptions of Punjab’s recent history, producing an imagination that goes beyond dichotomies of perpetrators and victimhood, outside and inside, terrorism and resistance.
In the intimate setting of his performance, Thapar unfolds moments from a personal journey into a contorted past in dialogue with documents from an attempt of a ritual of - ‘going back, to make sure that you have forgotten about the past.’
The performance is performed in English.
Bekijk ook
concept, tekst, uitvoering Abhishek Thapar samen met Venu Thapar, Shveta Grover, Ashok Thapar | dramaturgische ondersteuning Maria Rößler | tekstadvies Divya Nadkarni | adviseurs Floris van Delft, Jeroen Fabius | cinematograaf Sahib Gill | film editing Jeanette Groenendaal, Rinku Kalsy | muziekcompositie Kabeer Kathpalia | kostuums Loise Braganza | primair onderzoek Abhishek Thapar, Swati Simha | met bijdragen van Dr. Sudha Thapar, Dr. Neelu Koura, Dr. Pawan Thapar, Karan | speciale dank Chandana Sarma, Arash Qajar, Amandeep Sandhu, Jimmy Grima, Barbara van
Lindt, Juul Beeren, Vera van Baal, Martin Brans, Mirko Lazovic | productie Afra Tafri Creations | coproductie DAS Theater, Amsterdam