Shout into the crowd: Artists Work in Horeca
Vijf weken lang, aangevuld met een performance programma op 10 september, zullen de kunstenaars hun werk laten zien; variërend van fotografie, installatie, film, illustratie en performance – in het gebouw waar ze ook werkzaam zijn achter de bar.
Shout into the crowd: Artists Work in Horeca probeert licht te werpen op het gecombineerde werkleven van opkomende kunstenaars, waarbij kunstenaars vaak in de horeca van culturele instellingen werken om zichzelf en hun kunstpraktijken te ondersteunen
Tentoonstellingstijden & contextprogramma
De tentoonstelling is te bezoeken van 7 september tot 13 oktober tijdens de openingstijden van Theater aan het Spui. Het theater is doordeweeks geopend van 14:00 tot 17:30. Op dagen waarop er voorstellingen zijn, zijn we geopend van 14:00 tot het einde van de avond, na afloop van de voorstelling(en).
Shout into the crowd opent op 6 september van 17:45 - 22:00 met een programma van presentaties, gesprekken en een filmvertoning.
Een dag later, op 7 september, is de tentoonstelling geopend tijdens het Spotlight Festival van Den Haag – met een extra kunstmarkt met werken van opkomende lokale kunstenaars.
Op 10 september is er een performanceprogramma – dat begint met een begeleide wandeling op locatie, gevolgd door een voorstelling in Zaal 3.
In English
For five weeks, accompanied by a performance program on the 10th of September, these artists will present their projects; ranging from photography, installation, film, illustration and performance, within the building where they work.
Shout into the crowd: Artist’s Work in Horeca attempts to shine light on the combined work lives of emerging artists, where artists often work in Horeca of cultural institutions to support themselves and their practices.
Exhibition times & context programme
The exhibition can be visited from 7 September to 13 October during opening hours of Theater aan het Spui. The theatre is open from 14:00 to 17:30 on weekdays. On days where shows are playing we are open from 14:00 until the end of the evening after the show(s) finished.
Shout into the crowd opens on the 6th of September from 17:45 - 22:00 with a program of presentations, talks and a film screening.
One day later, on 7 September, the exhibition will be open during The Hague's Spotlight Festival – with an additional Art Market featuring works from up and coming local artists.
On 10 September there will be a performance programme – starting with a guided walk on location, followed by a performance at Zaal 3.
Artists and works
Enrico Carpi
Enrico Carpi (1997) is an Italian photographer based between The Netherlands and Italy. His main interest lies in the use of the photographic medium to create documents that represent his subjective vision of the scenery he comes across without a predetermined reason, responding to factors such as light, time, space and people. The encounters and conversations are the starting point to inspire my intuitive research, and gives him insights regarding how to move and understand a place. Enrico’s photography focuses on ordinary individuals, highlighting the traces they leave behind and addressing larger contemporary themes with a calm and subjective tone.
Her Forest, Tearless as Stone
Photography, 2024
Between hills, forest and flowers is where my grandmother grew up. Her mother passed away when she was sixteen. At the age of twenty-one her father was murdered. How, where and why remains a mystery. Shortly after, she and her younger brother left - leaving behind not only her home, but also her youth. I grew up mythicising her stories from those places, where long hard days of physical labour could not harden their souls. Instead, what always remained was a gratitude for life.
More than sixty years after her father was murdered, I revisited the area where she grew up, sometimes alone, sometimes together with her. I give voice to the landscape that shaped my grandmother as a person. In doing so, a deep affection for those places grew in me. Only the flowers, trees, sticks and stones still preserve within them the truth. They are the same flowers, trees, sticks and stones that allowed me to understand her resilience and strength, which I have admired all my life.